Development status

Potential First-in-Class
& Best-in-Class NASH Drug
ㆍSubstantial potential market opportunity
ㆍDifferentiated mechanism of action
ㆍStrong efficacy data of FGF21 including:
✓ The levels of hepatic triglycerides and lipids
✓ The degree of vacuolization of liver
✓ Validated Immunogenicity

Patented FGF21 design
& Manufacturing method
ㆍFive point-mutations for high affinity toward
β-Klotho and enhanced receptor activation
ㆍThe ever-first findings of
ㆍThe temperature-responsive structural reversib
ility of FGF21 and
ㆍHeating-based purification of active FGF21
ㆍThese findings can be applied to FGF21 analogs t
hat are under therapeutic development

Experienced & Validated Team in the protein research field
ㆍSun-shin Cha (a full professor at Ewha Woman
University) leads a competitive protein research group
ㆍThree LO experiences for β-lactamase inhibitors,
human DJ-1 (park7), and FGF21 (to TODD) in Korea
ㆍAbout 130 publications including Nature, Immunity,
Nature Genetics, Nature Chemical Biology,
Nature Communications, EMBO J, PNAS, Angewandte
Chemie, Nucleic Acid Research, JBC, etc.